How to Register Free SMTP Server

In this article we will explain how to get your account up and running.

Follow the steps below and have fun!

  1. Sign up / Register

    Signing up with our SMTP service is free and it’s also free to test/try out. Giving you a fair chance to try our product, before deciding to upgrade. No credit card is required for trying out our service.

    You can register at

    This is the sign up screen, enter your email address and hit Enter or click Register

  2. Activate your account

    After clicking the Register button, you will receive an email, it will have an activation link.
    Click the activation link and follow the final steps.

  3. Set up your account

    The final steps: enter your first name, last name, your password and click Create account.

  4. Your account is ready

    This is how your brand-new account looks like when you first login:

From there, the steps to follow are:

  1. Add your first domain

  2. Verify the ownership

    To start sending add the SPF and DKIM to your DNS

  3. Start using the SMTP server

    The SMTP server is now ready and you can start to send or receive emails.

Once you are ready to upgrade, send us an email